Friday-Project: Dog-Portraits

This portrait series of dogs and their owners in DUMBO, Brooklyn was a result of one of our self-given Friday-Portrait assignments from last year – you might remember…

For me it was interesting to see all those people walking their dogs in DUMBO, which for me is a neighborhood that seems almost a bit surreal. Without any signs of people living there, the dogs and their owners form kind of a weird contrast to this neatness.

Friday-Project: Gleason’s Gym

Earlier this year in New York I startet shooting a project on boxing at the famous Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn. Unfortunately I never finished this project, cause the gym wanted me to pay a sort of a membership fee, which I think isn’t the right way to gain access to shoot a reportage…

Golden Gloves Tournament, Flushing, NY

Gleason’s Gym, DUMBO, NY

Golden Gloves Tournament, Brooklyn, NY

Gleason’s Gym, DUMBO, NY

Golden Gloves Tournament, Brooklyn, NY

But a pretty nice side effect was, that one of the trainers asked me to shoot some advertising images for his fitness website. That was fun and I could earn some money.

Friday-Project: Everything for the Summit

Just days before I left Laos, the 9th ASEM Summit took place in Vientiane. More than 30 heads of government took part in the event and slept on land grabbed from a farming community in central Vientiane. The europeans remained quiet and missed a big chance to speak out against the growing problem of land grabbing in Laos.

Together with a friend I covered the event. An english version of the text will follow soon. The names of most people have been changed to ensure they’re safe from government persecution.

Photos: Lucas Wahl, Text: Sibut

A sandstorm is hitting the construction site of the ASEM villas. The Don Chan palace hotel in the background was constructed to host visitors of the 2009 SEA Games but is already in need of renovation.

Don Chan residents are saving worthy materials from the remains of their home as it is being destroyed to make place for the ASEM construction site.

A young Don Chan resident is watching the destruction of her home which is removed to make place for the ASEM construction site.

An overview of Don Chan Island with the ASEM villas and the Landmark Mekong Riverside Hotel in the back. 500 farmers were evicted from their fertile island to make way for the infrastructure project. The communist government of Laos said the development was necessary to be able to succesfully host the ASEM summit 2012.

A lao military police is blocking reporting on a protest against the Xayaburi dam in Laos. Thai protesters were using the occasion of the ASEM Summit to get attention from international media covering the 9th ASEM summit taking place in Vientiane. Even accredited Journalists were blocked from any form of reporting. Laos ranks 165th on the freedom of the press index of reporters without borders.

German minister of foreign affairs, Guido Westerwelle, is reading a paper in his private ASEM Villa. 100 families were evicted from their land to give space for the 50 Villas heads of state were using during their visit to Vientiane.

Resettled villagers from Don Chan Island are seen on the construction site of their new home 26 km from Vientiane. They never finished the new house since the promised compensation money was only partially given to them.

A view of the resettlement village for former Don Chan inhabitants. The new village is located 26 km out of town and many inhabitants have lost their jobs due to the resettlement.

A resettled villager from Don Chan island that does not want to be indentified (she fears to be harassed by the government) poses for a portrait in her new home. She claims that she never received compensation money as promised.

Alles für den Gipfel

Die etwa 30 Staats- und Regierungschefs, die zum Asien-Europa-Treffen (ASEM) am 5. und 6. November nach Vientiane kamen, nächtigten auf einem Stück Land, von dem etwa 500 Bauern eigens vertrieben worden waren. Die Europäer verhielten sich dabei erschreckend still – und verpassten damit eine große Chance, sich gegen das grassierende Land Grabbing in Laos einzusetzen.

Und plötzlich ging alles ganz schnell.

Frau Lar und den anderen Bauern der fruchtbaren Halbinsel Don Chan im Herzen von Vientiane wurde gesagt, sie müssten weichen für ein wichtiges politisches Treffen. Sie bekamen ein paar Monate, um sich in einem ausgewiesenen Gebiet etwa 26 km außerhalb der Stadt ein neues Haus zu bauen und umzuziehen.

Dann kamen die Bagger.

Während die Bewohner noch ihre letzten Eigentümer zu retten versuchten, rissen die Baufahrzeuge schon alles ab. Wenige Monate später stehen an jener Stelle 50 von chinesisch-laotischen Investoren gebaute Villen für die Staats- und Regierungschefs des Asien-Europa-Treffens; und nebenan das gigantische Landmark Mekong Riverside Hotel für die anderen Gipfel-Teilnehmer.

Frau Lar sitzt währenddessen in ihrem neuen Haus im Niemandsland und weiß nicht, was sie tun soll. Wie die meisten Anderen ist sie Landwirtin, doch auf der roten Lehmerde wächst nichts. Ihren Zusatz-Job als Hausangestellte in Vientiane musste sie auch aufgeben. Zu weit waren die Wege, zu teuer der Transport.

Sie fragt, »warum mussten wir hier rausziehen, warum kann dieses Treffen nicht hier draußen stattfinden? Die Politiker gehen doch nach zwei Tagen eh wieder nach Hause.«

Diese Frage stellen sich die anderen Bewohner des Dorfs auch. Zwar haben sie Angst mit Ausländern zu reden – es wurde ihnen ausdrücklich verboten – doch einige sprechen aus Verzweiflung trotzdem.

Sie beschweren sich über deutlich weniger Land und Kompensation als versprochen. Viele Häuser stünden nur als Gerippe, weil das Geld nicht mal für diese gereicht habe. Es gäbe keinen Tempel und keine Schule. Und nie habe mal jemand mit ihnen gesprochen, was sie denn eigentlich bräuchten, um trotz Umsiedlung gut leben zu können.

In der Tat gleicht der Ort einer Geisterstadt. Von laotischer Lebensfreude und Miteinander ist nichts zu spüren. Das gesellschaftliche Leben scheint still zu stehen. Und Alles liegt unter rotem Staub.

Für diesen sind die vielen Lastwagen verantwortlich, die Baumaterial für eine 110-Hektar große Chinesisch-geführte Sonderwirtschaftszone ranschaffen, den Vita-Park.

Der Betreiber sagt, die Regierung habe ihnen versichert, dass Investoren auch dort, 26 km außerhalb der Stadt, ausreichend Arbeitskräfte finden würden. Es scheint kein Zufall zu sein, dass die letzten drei umgesiedelten Dörfer aus Vientiane allesamt in diese abgelegene Gegend verlegt wurden.

Die ersten Fabriken sind bereits fertig. Sie zahlen $65 im Monat für 10 Stunden Arbeit am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche. Solche Bedingungen sind selbst nach laotischen Standards inakzeptabel.

Das ist die traurige Realität von Land Grabbing in Laos; Investitionen in große Ländereien, die praktisch ausschließlich den Investoren und korrupten Offiziellen dienen und die Interessen der betroffenen Bevölkerung völlig unberücksichtigt lassen.

Etwa 18% aller Dörfer und Tausende Menschen im Land hätten solche Formen von Vertreibung bereits erfahren müssen, schätzt die Organisation Global Witness. Weil Land Grabbing aber so schwer zu identifizieren ist, könnte der tatsächliche Umfang deutlich höher liegen.

Die Regierung selbst nimmt an, dass bis 2011 etwa 5.000.000 Hektar – oder 21% der gesamten Landesfläche – als Konzessionen an Investoren gegangen sind. Einige 10.000 Menschen in Laos sind nach einer Studie von SOGES auf Grund von solchen und anderen Maßnahmen umgesiedelt worden.

Vor diesem Hintergrund geht eine Entwicklungorganisation mit Projekten vor Ort so weit zu sagen: »Laos wird zunehmend zu einem Land von internen Vertriebenen.«

Und wie stehen die europäischen ASEM-Partner zu land grabbing im Land und den Umständen, unter denen der ASEM-Gipfel stattfand?

Erst im Februar 2012 hat sich der deutsche Entwicklungsminister, Dirk Niebel, während seines Aufenthaltes in Laos gegen das Problem stark gemacht. Und nun hat sein Kabinettskollege, Guido Westerwelle, beim Asien-Europe-Treffen in einer Villa genächtigt, die nur durch einen land grab hatte entstehen können.

Aber die europäischen Partner sehen das anders.

Sie halten das Umsiedlungsprojekt für ASEM für das wahrscheinlich transparenteste und am besten gemanagte im gesamten Land, und gehen davon aus, dass alles im Einklang mit den relevanten Gesetzen abgelaufen ist. Zweimal haben sie das Dorf zudem selbst besucht, ihr Ergebnis: die neuen Häuser sahen gut aus, die Bewohner waren zufrieden.

Leider waren die Europäer in ihrer Rolle als Diplomaten und in Begleitung von hochrangigen Regierungsoffiziellen in das Dorf gefahren. Wer da glaubt, er habe im autoritären Ein-Parteien-Staat Laos Einblicke bekommen, wie es den Menschen wirklich geht, der will zu keinem ehrlichen Ergebnis kommen.

Für den ASEM-Gipfel schauten die Europäer weg.

Friday-Project: Senegal Artisan Portraits

Florian and I are still in Africa, participating the Amsterdam Dakar challenge. We just arrived in Dakar and had a day off yesterday.

We used the time to start shooting a portrait series about craftsmen working along the streets or in their little shops.

Today we will head on towards The Gambia where our car will be auctioned to support a health-care project.

Here the foundations website:

Omar Faye, 19, Mechanic

Ousman Sarr, 20, Engine fitter

Ada Faye, 15, Painter

Lale Seck, 23, Butcher

Mamadou Nihllo, 22, Car-cleaner

Djeneba Beyei, 40, melon-dealer

Daouda Faye, 25, Car-mechanic

Mamadou Diallo, 31, Tailor

Friday-Project: New York Street Portraits

The search for subtle visual interest is a guiding force for me when I take pictures. It has never been more exciting for me to watch people passing by than it was in New York City. Sometimes it was a gesture, sometimes it was their appearance, which made me want to photograph these people and watch them more closely.

The following pictures are actually not new – I took all of them in July, when I was still living in New York. I just developed the rolls of film now and scanned the negatives yesterday and wanted to share the pictures with you.
These images are part of my series »Set & Setting«. You can find the whole project here.

Wall Street, NYC, USA

Upper East Side, NYC, USA

Midtown, NYC, USA

Spanish Harlem, NYC, USA

Friday-Project: Airports

The Friday-Project is the new Friday-Portrait at The game has changed though: Each Friday one of us is going to show a small project of a self chosen topic. Be it portraiture, reportage, fashion, landscape or whatever else. There are no restrictions and no limits, but enough room for creativity and fun for us to have.

I am starting this week with a little series of iphone pictures taken on airports over the past year. I have been travelling quite a bit and during the long hours of waiting i’d oftenly wander around snapping a few shots here and there. Using a phone is great because people hardly notice that you are taking a picture at all.

I find that there is almost always something interesting going on at airports. There are a whole lot of veeery boring things going on there as well of course. Anyways, one time something happened i’d never seen before and i DO NOT have pictures from. It went like this: My girlfriend and me were flying into Kunming in China. So we come down to the immigration counter and suddenly about three camera men and five photographers appear behind the immigration ladies and start taking pictures of us and filming the whole process. They later stopped us at the security checks using us as photo models and showing off their fancy security stuff. It turned out to be the opening day of their new airport they had just built. The thing is immense – Kunming is a city about twice the size of Berlin, yet it was impossible to either get any money there nor was it easy to get a taxi, it was a complete chaos. But i’ll long remember my 15 minutes of fame i got out there in Kunming, being the first westerner to arrive at their Airport.

Well, pictures now:

On the bus to the plane. Bangkok, Thailand

Domestic terminal. Vientiane, Laos

Ashtray. Helsinki, Finnland.

Waiting for departure. Bangkok, Thailand.

Smoking room. Kunming, China.

Transit. Dubai, UAE.

Friday-Portrait: STREET PORTRAIT

It’s friday again. And Friday used to be portrait day on our blog. STREET PORTRAIT is our last theme in this series. For one year every Friday each of us was uploading
one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you were able to vote for the next weeks theme.

Here is our last Friday-Portrait: STREET PORTRAIT


Lene Münch

Yarsagumba Dealer

The man with the phone is a Yarsagumba-Dealer in Dzato, Qinghai, China. Yarsagumba is a rare fungus that parasites on the body of a caterpillar of a moth. It is found in altitudes of around 5000 meters and up. It is known as himalayan viagra and mainly used in chinese medicine. One kilo can cost up to 25.000 USD. In Dzato hundreds of men can be seen dealing yarsagumba on the mainroad every day.

Lucas Wahl


I met Sarah in Berlin, she is a singer.

Florian Manz

Friday-Portrait: EXHAUSTED

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. EXHAUSTED is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: EXHAUSTED

Boxer at Gleason’s Gym

This guy was just having a break from his boxing training, when I took this picture and he seemed to be pretty exhausted.

Lene Münch


Tashi was my fixer on my trip to the source of the Mekong, or Zachu as it is called in Tibetan. On the picture he is waiting for breakfast after a bumpy 27 hour ride from Xining to the cowboy town of Dzato. I’ll blog a bit more about the trip later on.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: NYC: 11:00, HAN: 17:00, VTE: 22:00

This week we all shot a portrait at the same time in three different locations in the world: New York City, Hannover and Vientiane.

Here it is:

Kirsten & Laurence

I took this photograph at Kirstens birthday party in Vientiane on thursday night. I wonder what they’re talking about, they wouldn’t tell me.

Lucas Wahl

Marion in Red Hook

Marion, a friend of mine from Germany, has been visiting me in New York for the past 9 days. This picture was taken at 11 am in my apartment in Red Hook. She headed back to Germany the same day…

It was actually a funny feeling to know, that Julius, Lucas and Florian were also taking their pictures in the exact same moment.

Lene Münch


5 pm in Hanover, Germany: Hermann Völxen on his pasture.
His story is one of my long-term projects.

Florian Manz

The Italian waiter

I took this picture yesterday in the Italian city of Bologna whilst on assignment. The guy was a waiter in a little Coffee bar.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: The Final Countdown

We’re sorry that it’s been a little slow on this blog lately. We were a bit busy with some preparations for the Lumix Festival in Hannover, the Euro-Cup and summer vacations. But our batteries are fully charged now and we’re ready to go!
It has now almost been one year since we’ve started the Friday-Portrait project. In fact there is three fridays left. Three more pictures before we will start editing and putting together something exciting. To get back on track we will try an idea that „Sebastian Nix“ submitted through facebook: Today we will all shoot a portrait where ever we are at the same time. That means: 11 am NYC time, 5 pm in Germany and 10 pm in Asia.
There is also a new vote up on facebook that will be open till Friday, go for it!

We’re already thinking of something new that will happen here after the friday portrait is finished. We’ll let you know!


Friday-Portrait: FAR

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. FAR is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: FAR

Boxing spectator

I saw this boy at the intermission of a Golden Gloves boxing tournament at a highschool in Queens. He was so far away with his thoughts, that he didn’t even realise that I took his picture.

Lene Münch

Carlos, Old Friend from Far Away

When i was younger and spending a year as an exchange student in Ecuador, carlos and his family let me live in their house. It’s been eight years since we’d seen each other. He is now doing his masters in the Netherlands where i visited him last weekend.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: SECRET

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. SECRET is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: SECRET

unknown woman

I saw this woman some time ago standing in front of a bank talking on the phone somewhere in midtown, but when I wanted to take a picture, she suddenly went away. Because I thought she was interesting to photograph I started to follow her for a while, but lost her after a few minutes… Too bad… But then, 6 blocks later I saw her again on Broadway lighting her cigarette secretly having her face turned towards the wall and I took this picture.

Lene Münch

Friday-Portrait: WIG

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. WIG is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: WIG


This is Peggy. I met her in the streets of Red Hook, the neighborhood where I live in. The picture was taken with a 4×5″ large format camera.

Lene Münch

Boris Becker

This is a Dutch guy during carneval in Maastricht. I have lived there some years ago. The town got all excited about the whole thing and just partied without taking a break for a few days.

Lucas Wahl

Friday Portrait: :-)

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. 🙂 is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: 🙂

Farmer, Hin Nam No National Park

I photographed this guy in a small village inside the Hin Nam No NP in southern Laos while working there for GIZ.

Lucas Wahl

Big John Douglas

Big John is a two time Golden Gloves Champion who has now been training boxers at the famous Gleason’s Gym in DUMBO for the last 7 years.
I shot this picture of Big John (whose incisors are golden) with a 4×5″ large format camera.

Lene Münch

Friday Portrait: AVOCADO

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. AVOCADO (!) is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: AVOCADO

Avocado Eater

This is my new roommate whom, as the new guy, I forced to bite this avocado. I would have gone for a market woman but there are only imported avocados at the moment.

Lucas Wahl

Hi, my name is Avo!

Florian Manz

Friday-Portrait: SICK

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. SICK is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: SICK

Sick man

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Lao Amputees

These ladies lost their legs in different types of accidents. They were incredibly positiv and determined to get back on track and learn to walk again with their prothesises.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: CHAOTIC

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. CHAOTIC is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: CHAOTIC

The World of Suits

Joseph is the owner of »The World of Suits« in Tribeca in New York City. It is really chaotic in his shop, but nevertheless, he knows where everything is.

Lene Münch

Customs Officer

This is the customs chief at a Lao-Thai border crossing. He is trying to figure out if i have enough stamps and signatures to take pictures there. (After a few hours it was ok…) I liked the way he tried to preserve order in his chaotic office.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: INTIMACY

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. INTIMACY is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: INTIMACY


Peter takes a nap with a stray dog.

Lucas Wahl


This is Lisa in her apartment in Washington, DC. The picture was taken with a 4×5″ camera.

Lene Münch

Mae Tao Clinic / Thailand

This two wounded guys are Burmese refugees at the »Mae Tao Clinic« in western Thailand. The clinic provides health care for thousands of people that fled the unrest’s in eastern Burma.

Julius Schrank

Refugee camp Mae La

These two guys are Burmese refugees, they life with 60 000 more refugees in a camp near Mae Sot.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Friday-Portrait: ANIMAL

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. ANIMAL is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: ANIMAL


Lene Münch

Mani and his pig

Mani, connoisseur and passionate cook, barbecues a pig for a housewarming party.

Lucas Wahl

Logging Elephent

This Elephent lost his leg in Burma, he stept on a landmine.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Lao family portrait

A old Lao woman with her granddaughter and her young cow.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: FLASH

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. FLASH is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: FLASH

Up and Coming Photographer

I made this picture for my portraiture-class at ICP. The assignment was to photograph one of our class mates for an imaginary article with the title »Up and Coming Photographer«. I decided to take this picture of John Milano only dressed with an apron for the darkroom.

Lene Münch

Hai Hai in Shanghai

This is Hai Hai from Inner Mongolia whom i met at Shanghai Airport. I’m sorry things have been a bit slow on this blog lately. It should get better now as i finally managed to buy something with a flash…

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: PROVOCATIVE

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. PROVOCATIVE is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: PROVOCATIVE

Fuck you!

Lene Münch


Ananaay showing off his dancing skills at Puck Luck Pub in Vientiane.

Lucas Wahl


Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Friday-Portrait: HAIRY

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. HAIRY is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: HAIRY

Anonymous portrait

Maybe this picture is a little bit too »arty« and not enough »hairy«, but I like it anyway.

Lene Münch


Peter is a homeless man living in the forests around Frankfurt, Germany.
He’s been outside for many years and says that he has little intention of moving into an appartement again.
It’s not a new Portrait but i decided to go for it anyways.

Lucas Wahl

Lao Hairdresser

A lao hairdresser waiting for customers in his shop along the highway.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: FOG

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. FOG is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: FOG

Lao No. 1

I photographed this guy in the early morning in a little town in northern Laos.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Lao No. 2

A farmer in northern Laos.

Julius Schrank

Lao No. 3

Maody is a policeman in a small town in northern Laos. Fortunately there’s a lot of fog here every morning…

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: DOG

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. DOG is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: DOG

The woman with the red gloves

It was early in the morning and the sun just rised, when I met Julia with her cattle-dog mix in DUMBO in Brooklyn. She was heading to the park on the riverside and the dog couldn’t await getting there.

Lene Münch

Ugly & Tian

Ugly and Tian are two dogs of friends of mine. Little Ugly is one of the smallest dogs in town while Tian is about 50 times heavier. They’re not the brightest dogs but surely among the funniest.
THX to Kirsten and Laurence for having enough bacon in the house.

Lucas Wahl

Pug style

»A life without a pug is possible, but meaningless.«

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

The temple dog of Angkor Wat

This dog is a temple-dog hanging out at Cambodia’s tourist attraction number one »Angkor Wat«.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: Delicious

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. DELICIOUS is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: DELICIOUS

René Redzepi

Two Michelin-star chef René Redzepi in his Restaurant »Noma« in Copenhagen. In the past two years, the restaurant was ranked »Best restaurant in the World«.

Julius Schrank


Kim enjoys a delicious Beerlao

Lucas Wahl

Vincent Klink

TV chef Vincent Klink cooks in his restaurant »Wielandshöhe« in Stuttgart Degerloch.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Friday-Portrait: ITCHY

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. ITCHY is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: ITCHY

Unknown New Yorker

Lene Münch

Jaume Plensa

He is a great Spanish painter and sculptor.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Friday-Portrait: ARTISAN

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. »Artisan« is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: ARTISAN


Tim is a 22 year old weaver from southern Laos. She weaves mostly scarfs since she is 13 years old. She learned her art from her mother Pim. They both live at a Resort where the scarfs are being sold. Tim doesn’t like her job much. She says it’s tough to sit in this one position all day long. She’d rather work in some government office because she expects the work there to be less tiring. If she could, she’d move back to her village which is a few hours away, but the only work there would be in the rice fields. That isn’t an option for her right now.

Lucas Wahl

Juan Perez

Juan Perez is working as an assembler at the Trophy World in Brooklyn, where they make Awards, Trophies, Plaques and Medals for more than 50 years now.

Lene Münch

The old radiator brazer

I saw this old man in his workshop in the town center of »Mersing«, a village on the east coast of the Malaysian peninsular. His technique of brazing radiators was quite old-school…

Julius Schrank


The butcher stands with the current shocker in his hand and the tongue between the lips, behind the door, waiting for the pig to kill it.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Friday-Portrait: DREAM

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. »DREAM« is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: DREAM

Saiphon’s dream last night

Well not quite last night. I got struck by one of those funky tropical viruses and decided to take this picture from august – it was his last nights dream then. The birth of human being nr. was soon to take place and german »Geolino« magazine wanted to portrait 7 children all over the world. It was called »Childrens Dreams«. I photographed 11 year old Saiphon, a passionate hunter and fisherman from the Lao countryside. I had to ask him a whole catalogue of questions such as: Who is your biggest hero? What is your biggest wish? What should change in your country? and: »what did you dream off last night?«
Here’s his answer: »I went to the forest to hunt when suddenly a giant elephant came angrily running towards me. I ran as fast as I could and from one moment to the other I was able to fly. I got away from the elephant but there where many evil spirits in the air. So I flew into a lake and dove all the way to my village but there were no people in the village. I got so scared that I woke up.«

Lucas Wahl

White Christmas

This is Vittoria standing under the Brooklyn-Bridge in DUMBO. She is dreaming of a white christmas.

Lene Münch

Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann

The German CDU politician Uwe Schünemann dreams about:
more video surveillance, shackles electronic, more phone monitoring, more military missions in Germany, more unmanned missiles video surveillance for anti-fascist demonstrations, more migrant deportation, etc. …


Some dreaming on the way to Manhattan.
[caption id="attachment_4121" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="Julius Schrank"]Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: EMOTION

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. „Emotion“ is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: EMOTION

Autistic Boy

This is an autistic boy in laos‘ only autism center. They were training for a fashion show to be performed on christmas. Everytime this guy looked at himself in the mirror he started cracking up on himself. What a great way of having fun!

Lucas Wahl


Albert grew up in my neighborhood »Red Hook« and was living here for most of the time of his life. He seems to know everyone who is living here and had some interesting stories to tell. Some years ago, the neighborhood started to change and is now called one of the up and coming neighborhoods of Brooklyn. As the rent was getting higher and unaffordable for him he had to move away. He loves this neighborhood and it was obvious, that he was a little bit nostalgic, but still he was not complaining and seems to be a happy person.

Lene Münch

Angry monkey

I photographed this monkey in a park in Kuala Lumpur. At first he seemed to be quite friendly but when I moved closer towards him, he obviously didn’t like it to much…

julius schrank

Julius Schrak

Friday-Portrait: MAN WITH LONG HAIR

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. „Emotion“ is on this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: MAN WITH LONG HAIR


For 25 years „Dr. Hans-Peter Greb“ has researched the human gait. He has developed a new way of walking, which he calls GODO, and of course he also sells the perfect shoe for that.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz


This is „Chao“. He paints Oil canvases for the tourists in the town of „Khao Lak“ in southern Thailand.

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: SUPERFLUOUS

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. Superfluous this week – not easy…
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: SUPERFLUOUS

He Cheng Fei

He Cheng Fei is a chinese business man who has been living in Vientiane for 2 years. He moved here together with his wife. He owns a superfluous electronics shop in a superfluous new shopping mall. The »Talatsao Mall« which is the first american style mall in Laos, opened 2 weeks ago. But so far there are only a handfull of shops in it. It doesn’t seem to become a big success. He Cheng Fei says he is paying 12.000 USD rent for his little shop in the basement of the building and sees extremely few customers. He seemed quite desperate to me (he tried to sell me a Sony charger for my Canon batteries…).

Lucas Wahl


This weeks theme was a hard task… For me people in disguise, who pose for touristpictures around Times Square are quite superfluous.

Lene Münch


superfluous racist in the Czech Republic.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz


This is a girl who’s working on a retro-fashion market stand in Bangkok. If you consider that it more than 30 degrees plus and a high humidity, it is quite superfluous to sell fur coats

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: Drunken

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. A shiny, golden one this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: DRUNKEN

Drunken sleeper

I shot this picture in the summer during a festival. The man sleeps conveniently right before the bar of the festival. 🙂

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Drunken in Red Hook

Lene Münch

Drunk in Freetown Christiania

I took this photo while I was on assignment in Copenhagen / Denmark. The alternative urban quarter of Christiania celebrated it’s reopening after they closed their gates for 2 weeks for the public. Freetown Christiania is threatened of getting finally closed by the government, even though it became the second biggest tourist attraction in the city. For this guy the party was already over before it began.

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Drunk Vientiane, Lao PDR

This drunk bunch was hanging out around a festival in Vientiane recently. The Lady in the middle performed a interesting little dance for me when i lifted up my camera. They were all already pretty wasted when i passed by.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: Golden

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog. A shiny, golden one this week.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: GOLDEN

Elephant Painter

This young man paints elephants, pegasuses and spirithouses golden. Even though i wonder who the people are that put these elephants in their living rooms, i find this workshop to be a interesting place.

Lucas Wahl

Michel Kiryakos

Michel in his small beautiful goldsmithin Hanover. He just soldered a gold ring.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Golden Bike

I don’t know, whether I want to consider this image a portrait or not. Sure, it is a picture of a person, but it was more a crappy snapshot than anything else. Actually I met this guy today on Delancey Street in Lower Eastside and as I didn’t have my camera on me, I took this picture with my iPhone. It was just such a nice coincidence, that he had a completely golden painted bike, I couldn’t resist…

Lene Münch

The golden Buddha

This is a „portrait“ of the standing Buddha in Bangkok. The statue is 31,5 meters high and a famous tourist attraction in Bangkok.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: WAIT

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: WAIT

Olga Pak

Olga is living and working as a musician in Berlin. She is playing the violin quite well, e.g., as a soloist in the Philharmony of Berlin. I photographed her during a break on an old bank.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz


I saw this guy during the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village in New York City. He was waiting for someone outside a Pizza-Restaurant and didn’t stop making quite scary faces for me.

Lene Münch

Mrs. Airport awaits her flight

I’m on my iphone now, because everything else is broken. Anyways, Hipstamatic can be a lot of fun too. I saw this lady at Bangkok Airport recently.

Lucas Wahl

The mechanic

I photographed this migrant from South America in „Willets Point“ in New York. Willets Point is a huge multicultural car mechanic community in Queens/NYC. He was waiting for customers.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: MOUSTACHE

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: MOUSTACHE


I photographed this man on a moped race. Men and women ride mopeds for 6 hours on an acre. The winner is who has driven the most laps.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Jürgen Schrank

No, I’m not in Russia at the moment. This sympatic guy is my father… On the photo he looks a bit grumpy, but actually he’s a nice guy. I bought the hat in a second hand store in Amsterdam.

Julius Schrank

Jeffrey Eugenides

Jeffrey Eugenides is an American Pulitzer Prize-winning writer. He is most known for his novels »The Virgin Suicides« (1993) and »Middlesex« (2002). His new book »The Marriage Plot«, was published in October 2011. I photographed him here in New York for the german newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung one and a half weeks ago.

Lene Münch

Friday-Portrait: DIRTY

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: DIRTY


Hermann Völxen is the last farmer in Hanover.
I visit him every few weeks and watch him through my camera.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Soeredj Gokoel

Originally from Suriname in northern South America, Soeredj has been living in New York City for almost five years now. He is working at the solid waste services companies IESI in an recycling facility in Red Hook. The whole place smells pretty acrid and is quite dirty, but Soeredj seems to love his job.

Lene Münch


Moet is a 48 year old lao working on Vientianes dump site. He’s been doing his job for 13 years already. He says that he can make about 100 USD per month. The dump site is of course a very smelly place and full of flies. But Moet says that he doesn’t smell it anymore after so many years.

Lucas Wahl

Polish coal diggerl

The portrait is part of a reportage about illegal coal mining in Poland. I photographed the story in Spring 2011. It was puplished in „De Volkskrant“.

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: SMOKE

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: SMOKE

Fabian Brennecke

Fabian is a friend and classmate from university. He really enjoys smoking cigarettes – he says it brings him down from the daily stress. His work is viewable on

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Plastic Bottle Collector

I met this guy after an festival celebrating the end of buddhist lent here in Vientiane. He had just finished work and we shared a couple of smokes and beers. Not sure why he needed shades in the middle of the night…

Lucas Wahl

Jenni Cusveller

This is Jenni and she lives and studies in Amsterdam. She smoked three cigarettes in a row for me.

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Vittoria Mentasti

Vittoria is an Italian photographer living in New York City. She startet smoking, when she was fourteen and just likes it. Some of her work can be seen on her blog.

Lene Münch

Self Portrait

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: Self Portrait

Same Same But Different

The one on the left was taken by my father when i was 4 years old. Now, 22 years later, some things have changed – some haven’t.

Lucas Wahl

Land ahoy

On all 7 Oceans

Florian Manz

Florian Manz


Lene Münch


Jep, thats me.

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: OUT OF FOCUS

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: OUT OF FOCUS


This is my girlfriend Moa naked in her bedroom… Kind of arty, isn’t it?

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Sukhreet with Parrot Baya

I crossed Sukhreet in the streets of New York and found it quite weird that she was walking around with a parrot sitting on her shoulder. First I just kept on walking, but than I realised that I have to go back to talk to her and to take a picture.
Sukhreet herself is an artist who was born in New York and has been living here for most of her life. The parrot, whose name is Baya, is from the Amazonas and is 18 years old. Parrots can achieve an average age of 40 – 60 years, so he is still quite young…
To take this picture I used a digital pinhole camera, that I made by myself, in combination with a flash.

Lene Münch


Lina is a Latvian interior designer and just in Germany to visit friends.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz


Phongsavath is a 20 year old man. He got blinded and lost both his hands when he picked up a cluster bomb on his 16th birthday. He is now staying at the National Rehabilitation Center in Vientiane. He moves around quite safely using a cane and becomes more and more independent. He learns english and is member of a dancing group in which he shows off some pretty amazing breakdancing skills. Phongsavath is also a member of the Ban Advocates.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: BLUE EYES

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: BLUE EYES

Unknown cop

I photographed this cop on september 11th close to Ground Zero in New York City.

Lene Münch

Ilze Rumniece

Ilze Rumniece, Dean of the Faculty of Philology at the Riga Latvijas Universitāte.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz


Sara is a swedish intern with COPE, an organisation working closely with the National Rehabilitation Center in Vientiane.

Lucas Wahl

Gerrit-jan van Ek

This is Gerrit-jan van Ek, Chief of the photodesk at the Dutch daily „De Volkskrant“. The fact that I work for the paper, makes him my boss and I had to get him a lot of coffee in the last year 😉
Julius SchrankJulius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: HIPSTER

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: HIPSTER

Tom Kogut

Tom Kogut is an artist living in Wiliamsburg, New York. In the picture he is sitting in front of the Pizza Restaurant where he works to earn money. Tom is living in New York for 5 years now and is a really nice guy. Check out his work here.

Lene Münch

Unknown DJ

I forgot the name of this guy. I saw him DJ’ing at a private afterparty around 5 am here in Vientiane.

Lucas Wahl


Sorry Guido Westerwelle is not a hipster! But I thought the colors are a bit hip.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz

Sterre & Haroon

Sterre and Haroon are two very hip colleagues of mine! They work as journalists for De Volkskrant and in the past I’ve had the pleasure to work with both of them. I took the portrait in the building in Amsterdam were the newspaper is based.

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: DANGEROUS

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: DANGEROUS

Udo Pastörs

Udo Pastörs is a German politician of the extreme-right NPD. Last weekend the jeweler, watchmaker and former professional soldier has been elected into the Schwerin State Parliament.
The NPD has received 6% of the vote, so about 50 000 people in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have given their voice to this right-wing extremists even though the NPD has not even tried to hide their cynical view of the world.

Florian Manz

Mike Flanagan

Mike Flanagan is a New York fire fighter for almost 10 years now. He started his first class at the academy just one month after 9/11 and is now working at Engine 54, Ladder 16. Although the job of a fire fighter is quite dangerous he has never been seriously in danger within his carreer.

Lene Münch


Ozzi is a pretty dangerous looking guy. He is very ambitious about boxing and traines every day. The portrait is part of a story about the oldest, still existing boxing gym in the world. The gym is based in Brooklyn, NY, just next to the Manhattan bridge. I just finished photographing and the story will soon be published in De Volkskrant.

Julius Schrank

Vieng Xay

Vieng is a 14 year old boy from southern Laos and a so called „scrap metal hunter“. He goes into the forests around his village carrying a cheap vietnamese metal detector. When it starts beeping he digs for the remains of bombs from the „secret war“ the americans conducted in Laos during the 60’s and 70’s. Since Vieng lives along the former Ho Chi Minh trail, which was heavily bombed, it beeps almost everywhere. He said that until some years ago there were villagers who knew how to dismantle live bombs but that they have all pushed their luck too far. The bomb seen in the picture was still alive and he later tried to burn sticks and leaves on top of it to blow it up. He didn’t succeed though and luckily he is too afraid to try and dismantle it himself. He can sell one kilo of scrap metal for about 0,20 €. That explains, why the temptation for a poor villager, is quite big to try and dismantle a 500 kg bomb.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: CAR DRIVER

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: car driver


Jerome driving a beautiful old Porsche 911, he restored the car in a small garage in France.

Florian Manz


Thongdi is a 62 year old TukTuk driver from Vientiane. He first drove Taxi for 25 years before switching to his TukTuk 15 years ago. He likes his job he says but if it was up to him he’d make more money with it. He usually waits next to the biggest market in town and carries mostly women and their groceries.

Lucas Wahl

The Timesquare Cop

This is a NYPD cop in his car on the Timesquare in Manhattan. I was wondering if it is a punishment for a police officer to be send on patrol in the area around the Timesquare. They are pretty much all the time busy with posing for the tourists. I was lucky to get him in a vacant moment.

Julius Schrank

Mr. Shadow

This portrait I also shot in the streets of Manhattan in New York. A very photogenic place. The photo is more or less a snapshot, the guy was looking at me, so I pulled up the camera and took the photo.

Lene Münch

Friday-Portrait: Teenager

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: TEENAGER

German screen teen

The German population watches appr. 223 minutes TV per day. That means in average every German spends arround 10 years of his live in front of a TV-screen.

Florian Manz

Florian Manz


Philippe is a 15 year old teenager from Montréal, Canada. I met him with his friends in the streets of Rosemont.

Lene Münch


This is Anne-Marie Gagné. She is 17 years old, likes Punkmusic and lives in a sharehouse in Montreal. I met her on the street and asked if I can take her portrait. We than went into a church close by and had a sexy photoshoot.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: RICH

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: RICH


Hardy is a 68 year old guy from Denmark. His parents were very poor, but he worked his way up and is now a millionaire. He owns several Rolls Royces, a Harley Davidson and a Piper Cherokee, a single-engine airplane. When I asked him about women he just said: »No, you can’t buy women. Love you can’t buy. Love is from the heart and you can’t buy it. Love is the most expensive in the world and you can’t buy it.«

Lene Münch

Ralf Schnoor

Ralf is a sympathic man, cafe owner for 25 years and „Wer wird Millionär“ winner. He won 1 million but he has not changed his life.

Florian Manz

Somsavath Khemsouliyajack

„Do good – receive good“ Vath says about her way of doing business. She is a young business woman from Vientiane, Laos. In the past ten years she has set up a real estate business, a business consultancy and she also runs a popular online shop for fashion. As if that wasn’t enough work she is also the Hungarian honorary consul to Laos. Together with her sister, her maid, two rabbits, 3 dogs and 18 cats she lives in an impressive house facing the Mekong.

Lucas Wahl

Friday-Portrait: SUMMER

It’s friday again. And Friday is portrait day on our blog.
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: SUMMER

Peroni Alex

Summer is…
when it’s warm outside at four o’clock in the morning and you have cool beer.

Florian Manz

Oune Tuang

This man with his stylish summer hat is Oune Tuang, 60. He holds up a granade near his property. He owns a cole producing business on near the former Ho Chi Minh Trail and claims that he cannot expand his production facilities because his property is on an old ammunition bunker from the former royal lao army. He says that nobody told him about it when he bought the land. It is rainy season in Laos right now so it doesn’t feel very much like summer. I took the portrait in may when temperatures rose up to 38°C and walking around in shadeless places wasn’t much fun really. The guy scared me shitless when he first picked up that bomb. Upon seeing my face he laughed and ensured me it wouldn’t blow off unless he’d drop it on it’s top. It didn’t make me feel too much better I must admit…

Lucas Wahl


Taro is 8 years old and on summer holidays right now.

Lene Münch

Marlouke Theeuwen

Marlouke Theeuwen at the studio in Amsterdam where she teaches nia. Nia comes from the USA and is a mixture of classical martial arts, yoga and dance.

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: CAPTAIN

Here is last weeks theme: CAPTAIN

Sebastian Adler

More than 300 skippers had to wait for the recovery of the cargo ship TMS Waldhof, which sunk in the river Rhine near the Loreley in February 2011. Some boatmen had to wait 4 weeks before they could continue their journey. Sebastian Adler was one of those waiting. He spent his time in a pub in the port of Mainz. He was losing about 6000 € a day. I just got back to Germany, so sorry it is no new picture.

Florian Manz

Mekong Captain

Khampheng is a 52 year old captain and his boat is the „Tong Tiaw Lane Xang“. It is a cruiseship carrying passengers From the lao capital Vientiane to Savannakhet in the south. 2 days downstream, 3 back up. Khampheng has been working on the boat for more than 20 years.

Lucas Wahl


Actually facebook played a joke on us. When I checked what this weeks topic was it showed to me that the »54 year old woman« was the most voted topic. So I took a picture of a 54 year old woman. Her name is Christiane and she is crazy about riding her bike. In 2009 she sold her car for environmental reasons and is since doing everything by bike. 2 years ago she made a tour from Germany to Great Britain all alone. Back home she is biking 500 km every month. A bicycle helmet and glasses may not be missing.

Lene Münch

Paul Watson

Paul Watson is founder of the „Sea Shepherd Conservation Society“ and Captain of a whole anti waling fleet. Every year they go on a three month expedition to the Antarctic to chase the Japanese harpoon boats. I took the portrait just before they started the campaign in the harbor of Hobart, Australia.

Friday-Portrait: PROSTITUTE

It is friday again. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: PROSTITUTE

Sex Inn

I walked into 7 brothels in Hanovers Red-light district and talked to more than 20 girls, but none of them wanted to be photographed. One prostitute offered me to pose in front of the camera, when I pay $150. This seems to be the only way to get a picture of a prostitute. So in the end I have to admit that I failed, but it was a new experience to me to get in contact with this milieu. At least I could take a picture of the staircase in one of the etablissemnts called »Sex Inn«.

Lene Münch

Prostitution? What prostitution?

Prostitution is illegal in Laos. It therefore doesn’t exist. Anyone reporting about it or showing pictures risks to get on the »red list«. So I was warned by a government official that I know. For this reason I’ve decided not to show a portrait on the subject in this place at this time. Sorry.
The picture underneath I took while working in the northern Lao city of Xiengkhouang last week. It shows a very empty nightclub. No girls inside – only two drunk guys practising their karaoke skills…

Lucas Wahl

Big Momma

Even in Amsterdam it’s not easy to photograph a prostitute! I asked arround 20 girls in the red-lite district until one said »Yes«. I still had to pay 20 € for exactly one(!) photo. Anyways, I’m proud to have accomplished to job…

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Friday-Portrait: ARTIST

It is friday again. And Friday is portrait day on
Every Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. On facebook you are now able to vote for the next weeks theme. You name what you wish to see – we go out and get it.

Here is last weeks theme: ARTIST


Jo is a fire artist from Lonely Beach, Koh Chang island in Thailand. I photographed him at the mekong riverbank in Vientiane where he is currently based. Jo is 32 years old and first started playing the »poi poi’s« 10 years ago after seeing a tourist practicing on his home beach. Nowadays it’s him who voluntarily teaches younger kids from his village how to play. Besides working as a bartender he is able to make money playing at Hotels and Parties.

Lucas Wahl

Martin Funda

Martin Funda is a young emerging violinist from Berlin. This picture was taken to promote his concerts on his website and on billboards in the city.

Florian Manz

Joep van Lieshout

Joep van Lieshout is one of the most important contemporary artists of The Netherlands. He mainly works with materials like polyurethane foam and polyester. His work often combines art with design and architecture. His artworks are exhibited in many international exhibitions, among others, at the MOMA New York. I photographed him at the »Atelier van Lieshout«, a artists-collective, that he has founded in 1995.

Julius Schrank

Eugen Posin

Eugen is one of the three Russian brothers who paint copies of famous masterpieces in Berlin. Only artists who have been dead for over 70 years are allowed to be copied legally. Their works are so perfect that the three brothers became somehow famous around the world for their reproductions of Rembrandt, da Vinci, van Gogh and other Old Masters. Read more about them here and here. And here you can see a multimedia story by 2470media about Eugen Posin.

Lene Münch

Friday-Portrait: FREAK

Here is last weeks theme: FREAK

Daniel Gun

Daniel Gun is a rapper from Hanover, Germany and a member of Goodfellas Mafia. He got his first tattoo aged 17 and has since tattoed 60 % of his body.

Florian Manz

Emile Moustachi

Emile is an artist from Perpignan in the South of France. He’s quite a freak. As soon as he is in public places he doesn’t stop making faces, but once he is at home, he’s quite a normal old man, who likes reading comics.

Lene Münch

Chinese Playback Performer. Penang, Malaysia

I was sitting at a so called Hawker Center in Penang this week. A Hawker Center is basically an open air place with plastic chairs lots of stalls with delicious cheap food and beer, and in this case really bad, loud music. The guy on the pictures was performing some hilarious playback – freaky but cool.

Lucas Wahl

Adam Pearson

Adam Pearson is known from the English TV-Show „Beauty and the Beast“. In this show a good looking girl which is very much focused on her outer appearance is living together with a „beast“ for a certain period. The so called beast in this case is Adam Pearson………….

More info here

Julius Schrank

Julius Schrank

Friday is gonna be »Portrait Day«

Friday is from now on gonna be portrait day at Each Friday each of us is going to upload one portrait to a given theme. In the future you are gonna be able to vote for the next weeks theme on our facebook profile. So, you name what you wish to see and we go out and take the pictures.

Here is our first theme: PHOTOGRAPHER

Thongthang Inthavong

Wedding photographer Thongthang Inthavong in his »Venus Studio« in Vientiane, Lao PDR. He is 39 years old and started to work as a photographer at the age of 10. He started working with his father who first opened the studio but who is now retired. A shoot with Thongthang costs 10 $ for an hour. In his studio he has got over a 100 different dresses that people can put on for their photo. He does wedding photography in his studio and on location. In his 30 working years he has done more than 500 weddings. One of the most memorable for him has been one with members of the former royal family of Laos.

Lucas Wahl

Stephan Vanfleteren

Stephan Vanfleteren is a Belgium portrait and reportage photographer. I portrait him in his house in Vilvoorde / Belgium, where he lives with his family. The house used to be a monastery, the photo shown him in his bedroom which once was the altar-room. Vanfleteren has won several international photo awards like the »World press photo Award« the »“European Fuji Award« or most recently the German »Henri Nannen Preis«. He has published several books and his work has been shown in numerous exhibitions across Europe. At first, it felt a bit wired to photograph such a experienced portrait-photographer, but actually it was not much different than portraying anybody else. Here you find his website.

Julius Schrank

René Burri

René Burri is one of the most famous Magnum photographers, born in Switzerland. Actually I have to admit that this picture has been taken some time ago in France at the photofestival »Les Rencontres d’Arles« and it’s rather a snapshot than a real portrait, but it’s funny. I like it!

Lene Münch

Tim Schaarschmidt

Tim Schaarschmidt is a German photographer, he works at the newspaper Neue Presse in Hanover. His main focus has everything to do with lights flashing, accidents, murder, etc… I photographed him in his apartment.

Florian Manz